November 11, 2011

Blessing babies and loosing Teeth.

Lots going on here.  Dyson lost a top tooth.  He is thrilled.  Ripped it out himself.  Here are the before and after pics:
and gone!

I'm starting to wonder if we will ever get a family picture where we are all looking at the camera.  Can you make 4 kids smile and look at the same time?  Not sure it will happen.  Here's a smattering of failed attempts from Brody's blessing day:

We have now realized it was a bad idea to put a 5-year-old in a skirt on a top stair for pictures.  Especially with pink undies.  Oh well, not like these are going on the Christmas card. 

And last:  The house update.


1 comment:

Rachel said...

Your kids are stinking cute and I can't believe how big they are getting! By the way, I LOVE your hair in these pics. Glad you are all doing well!