March 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Dyson!

Sunday was Dyson's birthday and we had a rockin' pirate party on Monday to celebrate. Kids make everything crazy and fun. Dyson LOVES pirates. Well, he loves to pretend he is a pirate and begs anyone who comes over to pretend with him.

I (Ashley)made him a pirate cake, which turned out great considering I threw it together in a couple hours. I used blended up nilla wafers to make the sand and some pirate toys Dyson got from Nana and Grandpa for Christmas.

We let them make hooks and eye patches and they got to play pretend pirates. They followed little messages in a bottle that Jarrred had made for a treasure hunt, and Dyson was in heaven (notice the cheesy grin above).

This was the treasure they found (pirate ship pinata). Uncle Austin (left) had to break it open in the end.

Not a wimpy pinata.

Can't believe we have a 4-year-old. He is such a smart little guy. He makes life so challenging and fun.

He is Daddy's little buddy, Cambry's hero, Mommy's helper, and Ellie's protection. We can't imagine life without him.

Love you, D.

Dyson with his new, very own scriptures on Sunday


peter said...

He just looks so big, can you believe that is was only four years ago (four long years, sometimes) that he was born and Jarred was trying outfits on him. :)

Lynette said...

Thanks for having us come! The kids had a blast!