March 19, 2009

It's all about perspective.

Here's a sappy little thought for ya.

I (Ashley) was having a rough day. It happens, right? I was feeling a little sorry for myself and struggling with some health problems. For the purpose of perspective I will share some of the negative, self-pitying thoughts:

-I have too many people to take care of to have these problems

-I don't even have a home of my own

-Who knows when we will be uprooted (not that I am even close to feeling "rooted") and move to some new and unknown place with no friends or family

-I never get to go on vacation

-I feel frumpy and hate my hair

... to name a few.

Anyway- I am dwelling on my difficulties and being completely self-centered when my big sister calls me. Certainly not a coincidence. Charity has a such a subtle, calming influence. I started to vent and something I said reminded her of a friend whose baby was born with a cleft pallet and has to have a feeding tube.


It hit me hard. What is my problem? Seriously? I have it so good.

Three healthy babies

Amazing husband who cherishes me

My siblings and parents so close

Amazing In-Laws

A (free) place to live while we look for jobs

Everything I need to be comfortable

My own relationship with the Savior

So much to be not only grateful for, but COMPLETELY IN AWE AT.

As my thoughts swirled deeper and deeper, I realized that I am completely happy. I didn't do much to deserve all the goodness I have surrounding me. I feel like I owe an apology to anyone I have complained to. I want to be more grateful. I know I am not the only person to come to this conclusion. No matter what comes our way- we can still be happy when it's hard. We can even be grateful and feel abundance and peace in our own little world. So, it's all about perspective.

Love you, Charity. You have always been just the big sister I need.


Martins said...

I wish I had a sister... I know that you are a busy mom, but we really should do lunch. Even if it means I pick it up and bring it to you because taking kids out is hard sometimes... Le me know if you get some time!

Thanks for sharing your perspective. I, Often, forget all those things I need to be grateful for. We are truely blessed.

Have a great day!
-"Heather Park" Martin

Woodruff Family said...

I know we never got to be great friends, but I want you to know that you inspire me. I loved going to class on Sunday when I knew you would be teaching. You have such intellect and wisdom. I love that about you.

I am sorry that you had a bad day, but I'm glad you found peace.

Lynette said...

Those days are always so hard. It's nice knowing that we are being looked after and given those reminders to lift us up! You are the best! You've never been a complainer to me. You're always lots of fun to be around and relate with!

Cassi @ Stop And Smell The Roses said...

Hi Ashley!
I am Cassi Rose... our husbands were companions on their mission! Just thought I should introduce myself :). I love your blog! SO cute! And your kids are so sweet :) We've just got 2 but looks like #3 might be a possibility in the near future... we will see! Anyway, feel free to check out our blog! (FYI we added you guys to our friends list.) Hope to meet you in person someday! :D